Reasons For QuickBooks Not Responding And Usable Fixes

September 29, 2023

QuickBooks is an easy-to-use bookkeeping software packed with a wide range of features to enhance the user experience of working on it. Internal issues like QuickBooks Not Responding or freezing can sometimes trouble the user while working on the software. If your QBDT also freezes or doesn’t respond to your commands, keep reading this blog to figure out the reasons and techniques to fix the issue.

Feel free to approach our team of certified QB professionals at +1-855-856-0042 to rectify the issue quickly.


You might sometimes experience QBDT failing to execute your commands and freezing while performing accounting tasks. The reasons QuickBooks Desktop turns unresponsive are mentioned below-

  • The company file might be damaged due to corruption in the HDD, or the name of the data file is too long.
  • Your operating system (Windows or MAC) is corrupt, or the QBDT program files are damaged due to partial installation of the software on your computer.
  • QBWUSER.ini fails to run due to corruption caused by a virus attack or an antivirus that has isolated it.

                                                                             Read More:-  I Am Getting QuickBooks Error 15270


You won’t be able to perform accounting conveniently on your QuickBooks as it won’t respond to your commands and can also crash after continuous attempts. You can take the following actions if QuickBooks stops responding and crashes on your PC-

Solution 1- Change the QBWSUER.ini file’s name to recreate it on your system

QBWUSER.ini is critically essential for QuickBooks as the file contains information on all the data file paths and the accounts authorized to access them. The software runs this file to verify your identity and can crash randomly when the file fails to run. In case the file gets damaged on your PC due to corruption in HDD or a virus attack, QuickBooks might stop responding and terminate the accounting tasks due to the absence of the file. You can recreate the QBWUSER.ini to prevent the issues using the steps mentioned below-

  • Open the file explorer on your PC and go to the View option at the top.
  • Single-click the Hidden items checkbox to ensure it is marked and navigate to C: Users\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooksXX.
  • Find the QBWUSER.ini inside the folder and right-click the file.
  • Select Rename from the options and type ‘.old’ as an extension to the file without making any changes to the name.
  • Save the file and rerun QuickBooks on your PC.

If your QBDT develops issues or stops responding again, move to the next solution.

Solution 2- Set the name of your Data file correctly

UNC has set some protocols to name the company file in QuickBooks. You might face issues if the company file name is too long or contains invalid characters. Use the following steps to check the company file-

  • Visit C: Users\Username\AppData\Local\Intuit\QuickBooksXX\Company files.
  • Find the company files you use in QuickBooks and right-click on it.
  • Keep the file name small and ensure it doesn’t have special characters (<, >, &, $, etc.) or spaces in its name.


This blog thoroughly explains the reasons for QuickBooks Not Responding on your PC. The methods to fix the issue are also included in the blog, which you must apply to prevent QuickBooks from turning unresponsive again.

Speak to our team of QB experts available at +1-855-856-0042 to resolve your remaining queries about the issue.

                                                                 Related Post:-  How To Resolve QuickBooks Error 12152

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